Wednesday 19 August 2020

Biometric technology

Information about biometrics


What is biometric ?

Biometric is used recognise human biological structure.biometrics authentication is used in computer science as a form of identification and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance.

Here are some examples of biometric

  1. Fingerprint scanner
  2. Facial recognition
  3. DNA
  4. Palm print
  5. Voice or typing cadence
  6. Retina scan
Many more...


While some traces of biometric can be dated back to the Babylonian Empire as 500BC.It starts when Juan Vucetich started a collection of fingerprints of criminals in Argentina and created systematic list in 1881.

After the invention of photography Alphonse Bertillon developed a method of specific body measurements for the classification and comparison of criminals.
Alphonse Bertillon create the theory of fingerprints and physiognomy with Francis Galton's  (1853–1914).

Useful uses of biometric

As technology grows, humans are accepting new technology which includes biometrics. It can be very useful in surveillance, military purposes.

It can be very useful at border control,travel and immigration.
The electronic passport (e-passport) is a familiar biometric travel document. The second generation of such documents, also known as biometric passports, includes two fingerprints stored in addition to a passport photo.Over 1.2 billion e-passports are in circulation in 2020.

Commercial applications,Physical and logical,Civil identification,Healthcare and subsidies, etc.

issues and concern of biometric

Authentication credentials such as fingerprint scans or voice recordings can leak from devices, from company servers or from the software used to analyze them. There is also a high potential for false positives and false negatives. A facial recognition system might not recognize a user wearing makeup or glasses, or one who is sick or tired. Voices also vary.

Human surveillance is major concern.
Government like china and five eyes group surveillance their citizens using biometric. 
In China who are against government will be traced down or even arrested using facial recognition.

 If the data are leaked your are on high risk and stacker can misuse this data to harass you or even hack you.


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