Monday 17 August 2020

Death Valley has hottest temperature on Earth

Latest death valley temperature

Highest temperature on Earth' as Death Valley hits 54.4°c

The high registered in Death Valley, California reached 130° yesterday. Once verified the records will include: hottest August day, hottest since 1913, and potentially the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth.

In 1931, a record-high temperature for Africa was recorded in Tunisia at 131 degrees. However, according to Burt, this recording, and many others in Africa from the colonial period, has "serious credibility issues."

Prior to Sunday, world record high temperatures were recorded in Death Valley in 1913 and Tunisia in 1931, but both readings have been disputed, according to CNN.


The current heatwave stretches from Arizona in the south-west, up the coast to Washington state in the north-west.

Temperatures will drop on Monday and Tuesday, but will fall later. However extreme heat will continue for ten days.

Effect of extreme heat

The immediate effects of heatwaves on the human body are heat cramps, dehydration and even potentially fatal heat strokes.

Although Officials define extreme heat as a period of two to three days of high heat and humidity, with temperature above 90F (32C)


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