Thursday 27 August 2020

Subconscious mind

What is subconscious mind and interesting facts about mind

Have you ever wondered what is the effect of subconscious mind on your day to day life. In this blog we are going to understand the effect of subconscious mind on our lives.

Let's start....

Subconscious mind

The hidden part of your mind that store your emotion, belief, habits, values and many more. It is not currently in focal awareness. It's effect your behaviour without knowing you (also known as nonconscious mind). The term is coined by Pierre Janet.

How it's work

"Practice makes you perfect ", you must have already heard this quote before from your parents and teachers. 

Subconscious mind tracks pattern and create comfort zone. When you do something regularly it's become habits and habits create pattern. This makes the comfort zone. It works to keep you in comfort zone. That's why you feel uncomfortable when you do anything that breaks pattern. Deja Vu is one of the example of your created pattern that goes fully unnoticed by you. It's like fully programmed machine working day and night to enhance your life.

That's why you always heard about ''think positive'' from successful person. When you are sleeping the subconscious mind keeps working in background. Science shows that we still hear and process everything even while asleep. Dreams are just electrical impulses occur in our brain that taps into random images from our subconscious mind. Dream's is like you seeing the gallery of memories. Subconscious mind keeps working at night to increase yours understanding of world. The more in tune with your subconscious you become, the closer you will be to breaking through to success. This is the power of subconscious mind

We have very few data about subconscious mind. Science is working more on this topic. 

Difference between subconscious mind and unconscious mind

The unconscious mind is still viewed by many psychological scientists as the shadow of a “real” conscious mind. Whereas subconscious mind is not currently in focal awareness.

Interesting facts about subconscious mind

  • It is one million times powerful than conscious mind.
  • It speaks to you in dreams.
  • Homeostatic impulse keeps your body temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. It keeps you breathing regularly and keeps your heart beating at a certain rate. 
  • It controls 95% of our lives.
  • Before sleeping, 90% of your mind begin to imagine the stuff you would like to happen.
  • It take everything literally.
  • It has no verbal language.
  • It can do trillion things at once.
  • It record everything.
  • Is not logical, it's the feeling mind.
  • Always alert and awake.
  • It is built on habituation.

How to reprogram our subconscious mind

  1. Be willing to see the unchangeable change and remember great things never come from comfort zones.
  2. Surround yourself with positive reinforcement.
  3. Speak your success as a present fact, not a future plan.
  4. Identify your resistance.
  5. Have a master plan for your life.
  6. Motivate yourself daily.

If want improve life then read more books and motivational quotes.

books on subconscious mind

Instagram handle to motivate yourself



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